Wellbeing for Healthcare Professionals
Summer Workshops

Emergency Department staff
2023 Away Days
Report and Evaluation
1. About Harmony in Health for NHS staff
2. About the Wellbeing Harmony Activities
3. Evaluation of the Harmony Activities
1. About Harmony in Health for NHS staff
During a changing landscape in healthcare and the wider environment, NHS staff are under a lot of pressure while providing important work to the most vulnerable. Many healthcare workers find themselves increasingly stressed and burnt out, making the prioritisation of mental health an imperative concern. Healthcare professionals have recognised the value of acquiring tools to navigate difficult moments and fostering a stronger mind-body connection, as these practices can contribute to harmony and well-being.
Harmony means to join, to combine contrasted elements. The concept of “harmony in health” is about achieving a sense of balance and connection both within oneself (comprising the mind, body, and emotions) and in relation to others and the broader environment. Harmony in Health, a community interest company, explores how principles of harmony can be translated into practical tools that promote overall health and well-being.
The beauty of these tools lies in their feasibility, as they can be seamlessly integrated into the standard hospital environment without requiring additional resources. Moreover, they are equally applicable outside the healthcare setting. By inspiring an attitude of curiosity, self-care and personal development, the aim is to nurture a positive and enriching hospital environment that can help people deal with the current demands of working life in a sustainable way.

2. About the Wellbeing Harmony Activities
The Wellbeing Harmony activities during the ‘away days’ provided a supportive and experiential approach - as opposed to simply theoretical ideas - creating a healing space. Content was offered around four overarching themes:
Rhythm, Joy and Connection: this activity revolved around rhythm and music, providing a joyful and connecting moment for all participants. Engaging in rhythm games, playing drums together and singing a shared song, promoted a sense of unity and camaraderie, fostering a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
Movement: The movement-based activity focused on the Alexander Technique, which emphasized embodied awareness and natural movements. Participants engaged in simple and gentle exercises that facilitated the release of tension, promoting a sense of renewed energy and stress relief.
Rest and relaxation: This activity allowed participants to pause amidst their busy schedules and find a tranquil moment of connection with themselves. Through a guided peaceful sitting or lying rest, individuals had the opportunity to take a break and rejuvenate their minds and bodies.
Food and the senses: in this activity, participants were exposed to the wisdom of ancient practices related to foods, drinks, herbs, smells, colours and textures. They experienced the benefits of simple 'pick-me-ups' from various herbs and aromatic substances, fostering a deeper connection with nature's remedies.

3. Evaluation of the Harmony Activities
NHS staff attending the away days were invited to provide feedback and carry out a simple evaluation. A collection of quotes from the attendees illustrates the impact and effectiveness of the Harmony activities:
“The sessions were quite and enjoyable. The peaceful environment and people helped a lot to relax the mind”.
“Thank you for the wonderful day. It was relaxing and rejuvenating. I learnt how to relax in a busy atmosphere by using something to smell”.
“So refreshing to have the time to explore these different exercises “
“A helpful reminder to notice the moment, without changing it!”
What is the thing you'd most like support with?
Participants told us that they particularly wanted support to manage stress and, aches and pains. They are also looking for ways to find time for themselves, to support their emotional wellbeing, sleep and nutrition.

Do you feel better than before the session?
Almost everyone felt overwhelmingly better after the sessions and felt they had learnt something helpful from participating in the activities.

What word would you use to describe how you felt during the sessions?
Relaxed, happy, calm, reflective, peaceful, energetic, chilled, positive.

What did you enjoy or found helpful from the harmony sessions?
The singing and relaxing on the floor
The singing and dancing. It was fun!
Diversity at the session. Can use techniques privately. Using all the senses around us to create a calm environment
Movement and rest
Lying down and feeling the ground
Remembering to breathe!!
Scented geranium!
The relaxation session – floor work
Time to ‘empty’ the mind and relax
Playing on the drums together
Loved the whole sessions – all of it!

In conclusion
Harmony in Health explores how principles of harmony can be applied in a practical way to promote health and wellbeing. Harmony is about things working together - within us, our mind, body and emotions and outside of us, a positive relationship with others and the wider environment. By embracing principles of harmony and implementing practical activities, Harmony in Health has made significant strides in supporting the mental and emotional well-being of NHS staff and, by extension, contributing to the overall improvement of healthcare services and patient care.
About Harmony in Health
Harmony in Health is a CIC with a multi-disciplinary team comprised of doctors, neuroscientist, pharmacist, Alexander technique teachers, singers, dancers, actors, artists etc. We focus on delivering practical activities and workshops that encourage a balanced and harmonious state of health and wellbeing. The focus of our work in the past has been to support long-covid sufferers, students, Ukrainian refugees, primary school teachers and children, and healthcare professionals.